Sep 26, 2021
Ryan Romero joins us for Episode 4 of the Art of Life, Liberty, and Happiness podcast! We talk about the journey of building a podcast, the process of finding a career or starting a business around your passions, identifying what those passions actually are (Hint: It's probably not one of your hobbies), and why you need...
Sep 12, 2021
Our first time having a guest on the Art of Life, Liberty, and
Happiness podcast! Ben Pitts joined us for Episode 3. We discussed
bourbon, cars, the zen of motorsports, careers, and all things
mental health.
Get in touch with Christine on Instagram @christinebri and with Ben
at @bendointhings
Sep 12, 2021
What is imposter syndrome?
How do I deal with imposter syndrome?
How can imposter syndrome actually push me closer to success?
In this episode of the Art of Life, Liberty, and Happiness podcast,
I riff on imposter syndrome, what it is, who it happens to, what it
means to experience, and how we can actually benefit from...
Sep 12, 2021
What are the keys to success? Is it just a hamster wheel or is
it something important to pursue? What does success actually look
like? Do you need money or status to call yourself successful? I
discuss my thoughts on all this and more in this very first episode
of the Art of Life, Liberty, and Happiness podcast.